Services are being held online and in person at the church.  Click on the service page links below. Click the button on the page to attend the service. You will be directed to the page to watch the event. Click on the box that says “Watch on the web instead” and then click “Join anonymously”. Detailed instructions for attending online service can be found HERE.

Email joys and concerns that you would like to share to by Friday and we will read them in the service on Sunday.

Christmas Eve Service

Join us as we celebrate the holidays with a UUCJ ChristmasEve Candlelight Service at 7 P.M. on Tuesday, December 24th. This will be a family friendly service from 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. with light refreshments afterwards. ID # : 379 623 061#

Virtual Coffee HourClick here

Our virtual coffee hour takes place after every service on Sundays at 11:30 am.