The Rev Ms Denise D Tracy was ordained in 1974, she was the 8th woman the UU ministry at that time. She attended Andover Newton Theological School where she graduated with honors. She has had ministries on campus (74-76 Hartford, Ct), in the Parish (76-84 Greater Lansing, Mi), Denominational UUA Staff (Central Midwest 84-92), Consultant (92-06 Alban Institute), Interim (07-12 South Bend, In, Cincinnati Oh, San Mateo, Ca). She retired in 2014. Retired is not a word that describes her life, however. She is a Police Chaplain in Kane County, where she lives. She also serves on the Operating Board of the Alignment Collaborative for Education for School District U-46, which is a movement to harness resources insuring that all students have access to a productive and bright future. She lives in Elgin with her husband of 35 years, Bill Decker. She has three children and three grandchildren.
When times get tough, when you are having a rough day… this simple message can restore hope, put almost anything in perspective and brighten your day. Join us IN PERSON at UUCJ for this service. For assistance with joining the online service, click here.
What this legendary person has to teach us in the current time. For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 335 560 550#
During this pandemic I have relearned the lesson that our friendships can give us life and add a spiritual dimension to every day! For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 918 489 788#
In 1979 the first Women and Religion conference occurred in Loveland, Ohio at Grailville. The theological statement of the UUA included the phrase “The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man”. Misty Sheehan led a workshop and asked, “Does this phrase include women?” Unanimous answer “No!” This is where the creation of the Seven … Continue reading The Story of Seven Principles
A Theology of Facing the Up’s and Down’s of Living For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 657 256 195#
The most familiar and loved piece of scripture. Where does it come from? What does it mean and how might we give it new meaning? For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 488 591 019#
This is the word that most associate with Easter, Spring and the Blooming of the Earth. This Sunday will be a meditation and education of the significance of the word Alleluia. This is a one time experience. It will not be put on the website or be available for seeing at a later date. For … Continue reading Alleluia
In Celebration of International Women’s month, our reflection will be on equality and the need to uplift the strengths of half the population of the earth. We will also learn about the IWC, the International Women’s Convocation, a UU Women’s group, part of the United Nations economic network, which has projects on 4 continents. For … Continue reading Women Hold Up Half the Sky
Pollsters tell us that more than 50% of Americans, when asked what religion they are check the None box. Many people have moved outside organized religion and consider themselves Spiritual. What does this mean for us? For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 141 354 911#