Speaker: Rev. Denise Tracy

The Rev Ms Denise D Tracy was ordained in 1974, she was the 8th woman the UU ministry at that time. She attended Andover Newton Theological School where she graduated with honors. She has had ministries on campus (74-76 Hartford, Ct), in the Parish (76-84 Greater Lansing, Mi), Denominational UUA Staff (Central Midwest 84-92), Consultant (92-06 Alban Institute), Interim (07-12 South Bend, In, Cincinnati Oh, San Mateo, Ca). She retired in 2014. Retired is not a word that describes her life, however. She is a Police Chaplain in Kane County, where she lives. She also serves on the Operating Board of the Alignment Collaborative for Education for School District U-46, which is a movement to harness resources insuring that all students have access to a productive and bright future. She lives in Elgin with her husband of 35 years, Bill Decker. She has three children and three grandchildren.

The Battle for the Heart of Our Faith

 Right now there is a discussion happening that will determine the future of our faith.  What are the Issues? What are our choices? For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 513 705 142#

Spirit of Life

The Music of Carolyn McDade For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 659 462 580#

Traveling Mercies

What I learned on my vacation For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 615 738 70#

Easter: A Reflection on the Holiday

I have been thinking about why we celebrate this holiday I will surprise you (and me) with my thoughts. For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 255 023 582#

A Meditation on Being Open

Looking at the world, there is much turmoil about change. How do we as UU’s think about, adapt and set limits to change? For assistance with joining the online service, click here. Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service ID: 718 673 656#

Two Americas

It is a popular story that the founders of America came here for freedom. They did. And there are two ideologies about freedom that still exist today. November is the month we think about the meaning of Thanksgiving. This service will reflect on the Two American views of freedom and Thanksgiving. For assistance with joining … Continue reading Two Americas