Finding the You in UU

Join us in person at 3401 W. Jefferson St., Joliet

Formed in 1961, our own Unitarian Universalist Association is a non-creedal, non-doctrinal religion that emphasizes freedom of thought and doesn’t center on specific theological beliefs. While on the surface that sounds rather liberating, the paradox of choice, also known as ‘choice overload’ is the idea that people can feel overwhelmed when faced with a large number of options and have a harder time making decisions. This can lead to anxiety, stress, and decision-making paralysis.  So, my goal is to provide a panoramic snapshot of current world religions, thus illuminating their belief systems in the hopes of maybe uncovering a thread that a curious UU might somehow weave into the fabric of their personal belief system.

For assistance with joining the online service, click here.

Donate to Universalist Unitarian Church of Joliet

Click below to donate through PayPal. We appreciate your donation!

Coffee Hour- 11:30am after Sunday Service

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